Saturday June 27, 14:30 PDT / 23:30 CET / 07:30 (+1) Sydney

VIEW CONFERENCE announces 2020’s Premier PreVIEW online session:

"THE MANDALORIAN" Animation Director HAL HICKEL of Industrial Light & Magic in conversation with Ian Failes, editor of the Befores and Afters website

To RSVP for this free online event, use the EventBrite registration on this page:


VIEW CONFERENCE 2020 kicks off its 21st season with a special, FREE, online session. In this PreVIEW session, VFX journalist Ian Failes will talk with Academy Award winning animation director Hal Hickel about Disney+’s breakthough and immensely popular television series The Mandalorian. For this series, ILM developed new virtual production technology that made it possible for artists to create feature-film quality animation and visual effects under broadcast television constraints. The exciting new methods they developed will give filmmakers working on feature films as well as television series unprecedented opportunities.

Hal Hickel oversaw all the animation for the creatures, vehicles, and characters in The Mandalorian and played a key role in visualizing ILM’s miniature/motion-control shots featured in the show. He has received an Academy Award for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, is a three-time Oscar nominee, and was the animation director for Rango, which received an Oscar for Best Animated Feature.

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The Mandalorian PreVIEW is organized by VIEW Conference in collaboration with OGR, BeforesandAfters, and Industrial Light & Magic.

The international VIEW Conference, Italy’s premiere event for Computer Graphics, Interactive and Immersive Storytelling, Animation, Visual Effects, Games, and VR, AR, and Mixed Reality, brings top professionals from those fields to the beautiful baroque city of Torino, Italy for a week of talks, presentations, and workshops.

The 2020 VIEW Conference will take place from October 18 to 23 in Torino’s state-of-the-art OGR venue and virtually. Registration is now open. Please join us!


Saluti dalla bellissima Torino!

In Italia il confinamento forzato deciso per contenere il Coronavirus è stato revocato, e anche VIEW Conference è ripartita a pieno regime nella pianificazione dell'edizione 2020. Non vediamo l'ora di potervi (ri)abbracciare tutti il prossimo ottobre!

In vista dell'occasione, VIEW sta già arruolando i migliori relatori del momento, tra cui: Peter Ramsey, co-direttore del film premio Oscar “Spiderman. Un nuovo universo”; il regista e sceneggiatore di “I Lost My Body”. Jeremy Clapin; Paul Debevec, Senior engineer di Google VR; Don Greenberg, professore "Jacob Gould Schurmann" di computer grafica alla Cornell University; Marino Guarnieri, uno dei quattro registi de "Gatta Cenerentola"; Kane Lee, Head of Story dei Baobab Studios, e Dylan Sisson, specialista di Renderman per Pixar. A breve verranno aggiunti numerosi altri grandi esponenti dei settori effetti visivi, animazione, games, realtà virtuale, aumentata e mista.

Leggi tutto...  

Numeri da record per il primo manuale di ambientazione Spaghetti Fantasy per la 5 edizione del GDR più famoso di tutti i tempi, Bracalonia

A questo link trovate la campagna Kickstarter di questo progetto tutto italiano che sta diffondendo il verbo dello Spaghetti Fantasy nel mondo!
Aiutateci a diffondere l'ignoranza eroica!


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